Hi All,
Let's talking about my fishing style with summitTackle products here in France. Indeed, my fishing times are very short in this moment (Working, fire fighter guards, kids...) So, my favorite spot for having lot of pleasure is the RIVER ! Last week, i've started a habit baiting(with boilies only), for get the best chance to catch fish on a very short fishing times, after work or morning time maximun 2/3 hours on the bank !
The Colosseum pod S/S is quickly deployed, very easy to use, so compact than you can can put it on the bank very quietly and quickly, A real machine ready to use ! On my river, it's a very Strong way of fishing, very large diameter lines, 40lbs line braided for a maximum resrve power, 130gr minimum for a best hooking on these strong big mouthed carp of the river ! You'll understand, on this kind of fishing just near the obstacles like the dead trees or other trees stumps YOU MUST not give any chances to let the fish take these obstacles ! The Colosseum POD s/s planted firmly in the floor will give you the chance of do not let one centimeter to the fish when the run is open !
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